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Half Cow:  A 1/2 cow is expected to result in approx. 240 lbs of beef in your freezer.  A half cow comes from 1 side of the animal so you will still receive all of the cuts available but just half of that of a whole cow.


Please select from the drop down menu if you would like to receive a cut list prior to processing.


* PLEASE NOTE this is only the deposit for your beef purchase, after the animal is processed you will be contacted for the remainder of balance prior to shipping. Total cost is $10.73 per pound picked up and $13.94 per pound shipped. This cost includes processing and packaging and is the cost per pound in your freezer.

*Estimate $10.73 x 240lbs = $2575.20* total cost.

Grass Fed Black Angus - 1/2 Cow Deposit

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